Friday, June 8, 2012

Working hard

Its 10:45pm here in Mexico City and my partner in crime is still outside working away. He and my father inlaw started their day at 7:00 am. Today there wasn't time for breakfast. They didn't come in for a lunch break, but I am hoping they ate the food we took them. Tonight around 8:00pm I made tortas and was on my way out to drop them off with them, and another trailer pulled up. I sucessfully shoved one whole bite in hubbys mouth before he returned to working.

"Just take the food inside, there won't be time to eat it anytime soon" he tells me wearily. "Thanks though mamita" he manages with a tired attempt at a smile.

I love living here. I love getting to know my inlaws. I love learning a new language.

I don't love the man working 16 hours of hard, physical labor for 600- 700 pesos. That is approx 43 - 50 US dollars. We made 3 times that in a 6-7 hour shift waiting tables in the states. And waiting tables is easy. And not even that great of a job! Compared to this though?

Ah, here he comes. Just shy of 11 pm .

Sigh. The choices we make in life.


  1. Hola amiga, this sounds familiar. Javi is gone from 530 pm to 530 am and then sleeps until 2. So basically we see eachother for about 2 to 3 hours. And for as much money as he would of made in one day back in the states. Sucks dont it. I wish things worked out differently here :(

    1. It is frustrating, especially when other people, qho havent lived in the States make comments about how they are doing so great, and hubbys job paya so "well" . Um people, that isnt my definition of great pay!

      Working a nightshift must be so hard on Javi and you guys! I can't imagine.

  2. The work situation in Mexico is incredibly frustrating. I've been here a long time and things only seem to get worse. I guess you can say that I still have hope...hope that maybe one day our financial situation will get better. Hope and hard work.

    1. Jackie, I will try and keep the same hope and positive outlook as you do. One thing I reminded my husband this morning was we are making pesos, but are also spending pesos as well. Unfortunately, it isn't as cheap to live here as people might think, BUT there are plenty of things that are cheaper here. Food for the most part is, and as long as we are eating and healthy (and not homeless) , we will be ok!

  3. My boyfriend often talks about moving back to Mexico. However, he is scared that time has passed him by and finding work will be very difficult. So he is talking about opening up a business in Mexico City with his nephews. I worry more about me not working. I have worked since I was sixteen and don't know what I would do without a job. Any suggestions...

    1. Viejita,
      It really depends on what you do now, or what you have skills in . What is your current profession? Any hobbys you would be interested in turning into a career? Are you a native English speaker (I am assuming you are since you write like one, but assumptions are horrible things to make) . I have read and experienced that the number one easiest job for a native speaker of English is teaching English. I was offered a job the other day when I went in to inquire about a preschool for my daughter - and I wasnt even looking for work! Also, I have had about 6 people tell me when I start teaching private English lessons they want to sign up. I have pretty much planned on doing that, so I can do it from home and still be with my girls (ages 1 and almost 3 , the younger one is still nursing and I cant really put her in daycare).

      So teaching English is a good possibility - whetherin a school setting or private lessons.

      If you are comfortable in making the drive (especially if your boyfriend can return with you) there are certain things in the .states you could bring over here and sell. Depending on how much capital you want to invest upfront you could sell anything from brand bame kids clothes (like Carters. oshKosh, Gymboree) or electronics - anywhere from blenders to radios/stereos. It might be helpful to come here first, look around and see what the prices of certain goods are here. Then, when you see how ridiculously priced some things are (good childrens books are upwards of 300 pesos... For the same board bookss that sell for 5-11 dollars in the states!) here you can return to the states and buy a few there to sell here.

      How tech ically legal that is I cant comment, but....

      Feel free to email me ciathe blogger profile if you have anyother questions!
