Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just Another Day in Mexico

I am going to share pictures of ordinary moments of life here in Mexico in an ongoing series titled.....

"Just Another Day in Mexico"

Why not? So much to see, and most of it doesn't need explantion or long musings.

Without further ado...

Mexico countryside and a drive through Queretaro.


  1. Wow how nice! I didn't realize Mexico was so green sometimes... in Leon I feel like everything is concrete and dusty. I have got to get out of the city! btw, your header is adorable. Love it!

    1. Lauren,

      Its actually quite quite green here, but Im told that wont last all year sadly! We are in the midat of the rainy season, so every little plant is thriving and growing.

      InLOVE our little day excursions out of the cty , never loved grass so mich till I moved to Mexico City. Funny enough, it is one of the big things I miss about where we are from (the midwest) .

      You need to take a trip south, get some green in your system! :)

  2. Love it, I enjoy seeing pictures of everyone's towns.

    1. Me too! Thats qhy I figured I would start sharing random pics... Everyone loves photos of other places, right! ?

  3. Great pics! Very cool to see.
