Monday, September 23, 2013


We had several things to celebrate in past month.

The girls helped me make a birthday celebration in their Grandpa's honor:

We joined in on the 15th of September to celebrate el patria:

We celebrated my Dad again, on the third anniversary of his passing by making a fancy Peking Duck dinner:
And we accompanied my brother in law to formally ask for his fiance's hand in marriage with all of her family:

 Hope your families are celebrating each other whenever they can!


  1. Congrats to your future concuña!!

    I really missed going to the celebrations for the 15th! I wish I could go back. :(

    1. Sorry mama, I know things are probably rough right now. Are you gonna write an update? How are thinga going?

      And I really enjoy my future SIL, she is a really intelligent and caring person. Fun times!

  2. Looks like you had a busy month ~ And what cute kitchen helpers !
